Monday, December 7, 2009

He Played

He grab his drums..
He played them the song that was in his heart...
He played them all night...
He broke in tears...
Yet not a sound was heard...
He played...

He Left

He left...
with a tear in his eye...
a sad song in his heart...
and her goodbye echoing in his ear...
He left...

-Marcos Cisneros
It is bright and sunny outside...
The birds are singing all is joy...
But inside his heart its dark...
stormy and gloomy...
its the story of many heartbreaks...

Racing Mind

His mind was racing...
Thoughts upon thoughts...
Never ending never stopping...
Suddenly she walked in the door...
with a smile dissipated it...
Peace only peace...
And a smile...

-Marcos Cisneros

Heart Be Still

Heart be still...
as you look into her eyes...
Look into her soul...
Let her love devour you whole...
Stare in and see her tears...
Wash them away...
Heart be still...

-Marcos Cisneros

Oh The Feeling

Oh to have the feeling...
of the sand of 1000 beaches between my toes...
What joy what joy it would be...
But to be there with you...
That would be extasy...

-Marcos Cisneros

What I Am

I'm a philosopher with no philosophy...
A poet with a silent poem...
A painter with no canvas...
A writer with no pen or muse...

-Marcos Cisneros

Drowning In A Desert

I'm drowning in a desert...
burning in ice...
Living in death...
What can make it more complicated???
A vat of grease...
And that's what gets poured...

-Marcos Cisneros

I Shout To You

I shout out to you in the dark...
But do u even listen...
Can you even hear me???
Do the echos of my voice reach ur ears???
HELLO... HEllo...hello...he..

-Marcos Cisneros

Heart Stay Thy Mouth

Heart!!! Stay thy mouth...
For her words although sweet...
Are as poison...
Say not what thine feels...
for she may use as ammo to destroy thee...

-Marcos Cisneros

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My Lover

My lover...
my lover...
oh my lover...

My love affair with you...
began at the age of 13 or 12...

I used to see you...
night after night...
the feelings I felt...
well those feelings were nice...
they were different...

You made my blood boil...
like hot lava...
coursing in my veins...
I was as a sun...
with fever...

My heart raced...
the race of a rabbit...
a rabbit...
escaping the hunters weapon...
the heartbeat was felt...
through my body whole...

The connection between us...
was an unbreakable connection...
like that spun of unbreakable alloy...

You brightened up my nights...
even when no stars were present...
yet when you were not there...
it was the darkest night...
the saddest night...
the coldest night...

Whether I was in the deepest of jungles...
or the softest of clearings...
the clearest of rivers...
or the widest of oceans...
you were there...

My nights were never lonely with you...
my days were fun...
but few...

But my nights...
wow my nights...
you drove me crazy...
you unleashed the beast in me...
you made me run wild with you...
tear off my clothing...
and just bathe in your beauty...

Yes this is my lover...
my sweet sweet lover...
my savage lover...
my natural lover...
My lover...
the moon...

-Marcos Cisneros