Monday, May 24, 2010

It hurts

Today I saw a picture of you...
Just a picture...
And became sad...

Very slowly...
A tear moistened my cheek...
As it slowly descended over it...
Just a singular tear...

I let no others come...
It would be a torrent of tears...
If I had not put a stop to them...

But I stopped it...
I enslaved them...

I was saddened by your memory...
The memory of you tore at my soul...
Just like that night I left you...
Because you told me to go...
To leave your side....

You told me that you never...
Wanted to know of me...
To not speak a single word to you...

Where has that love gone???
That love that you said you had for me...
That love you always professed...
That you said would never end...

Where are those kisses???
Those warm kisses....
That warmed my heart....

Those caresses...
Those soft caresses that made my love shudder...
Soft caresses that were like the ocean breeze...
A soft summer breeze caress....

Your sweet sweet words...
Those soft words that would put my mind a buzz...
Words that you would speak with your angelic voice....

That is all I ask myself...
And that is why I am sad...

-Marcos Cisneros

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Hay una persona muy especial para mi...
Esta capturo mi corazon....
Lo mantiene de rescate...
Lo unico que pide...
Es una sonrisa...

Con una mirada suya...
Me invito a sonar...
Con una palabra...
Exhale de anticipacion...
Y con su sonrisa...
Con su sonrisa mi corazon salto de alegria...

Sus lagrimas nunca quisiera ver derramar...
Pero se que enveces las lagrimas son necessarias...
Para lavar y limpiar el alma...

Ella save de amor...
Amor puro...
Como el amor de diosito...
El amor de alguien que nunca fue danado...
Amor real...

Su callada y timida sonrisa...
Llevo en mi corazon...
Y nunca se borrara...

Pronto nos veremos...
Tengo el honor de llamarle mi gran amiga...

Te extrano...
Te quiero mucho...

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Weary Traveler

The weary traveler...

Home home...
Home Home are the only words...
The words the weary traveler thinks...
home home...
the yearning is so strong...
home home
to rest his tired eyes...

He has been traveling for many many weeks..
going from city to city...
from town to town...
from country to country...

Many beautiful places...
Some dreadful places too...
cities big and small...
now he thinks only...
only of...
home home...

The place where he has lived...
Where he is welcome...
Where he can take off his shoes...
kick his feet up in the couch...
and rest...

Home home...
in his own bed...
where it hasn’t been tended by strangers...
To the food of...
home home...

He has bags under his eyes...
his many years now show...
his lined face seems tired...
and yearning for home home...

Oh how much he would give...
to be...
home home...
to taste the sweet tea of...
home home...
to feel the feel of the couch at...
home home..

Alas he comes to his house...
He sees it from afar at first...
as if starving and staring at a juicy plate of food...

He is unsettled and wanting to be
home home...
he walks in the front door...
home home...
drops his luggage on the floor..
home home..
take off his coat...
home home...
goes directly to his own bed...
home home...
on the pillow rests his head...
home home...
the weary traveler is finally...

-Marcos Cisneros

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Play

Scene 5 act 3... Enter man... Behold woman... Laying on the sidewalk... Tell me young girl... Why are you crying??? Tell me the stories in your tears... Confide in me as a teacher... What has made you cry so??? Was it a friend or foe??? What is it that you yearn for??? Is it love or scorn??? Is it a tender word or touch??? Would it come from a strangers hand??? Or only from a loved one??? Was it from loss or gain??? Please young child... Beautiful child... Part thy tears... Open thine lips and speak... Speak thine hearts emotion... Whisper thy souls song... Please I beg thee now... And let a smile once again grace thy lips... Scene 5 act 4 Thank you kind stranger... Thank you for such fair words... Trouble not your mind... Trouble not your heart... My story will go untold... But I pray you stay thy speech... Scene 5 act 5 I beg and beg thee... Consider me worthy to know... Don't look upon me with thine eyes... Thine watery emeralds... Speak not to me... But speak to my soul... Harden not your speech... Silence not your eyes... I beg thee one final plea... Tell me the secrets in your tears.... Scene 5 act 6... Forgive and pardon kind stranger... It is done... And what is done is done is done... Scene 6 act 1... Please oh please woman of old... Youth of youth... Tell me then your dreams... Scene 6 act 2... No other word was uttered by her... She only took up her saxophone and played the most hauntingly beautiful sad song... A song that shook men to my very core... That made me cry out in fear... That cried out in joy and loss... That made me believe in love and disbelief it's validity... Curtains down.... -Marcos Cisneros

Monday, March 1, 2010

Love According To A Young Girls Heart

Love can be blinding
it can make you see the world in a whole new way
make you walk with your head in the clouds
or have you falling hard

it can be the most amazing experience in the world
where you see beauty in every corner
or feel deep sorrow of a broken heart
that still manages to love the one who broke them with all the little pieces

But however confusing it is no one can ever fight the feeling
no matter how hard they try
its a part of the human experience
to feel affection towards another
although painful at times
true love is the only thing that shall never deceive you

and although when heartbroken and feeling alone
another seems to walk into our lives
and we realize y things happened this way
and that there is a reason for your pain

its just gods way of helping you grow stronger
and wiser
for us to realize when the one for us walks into our life
so no matter how much life gets you down
don't give up hope ,
its just another heartbreak closer to happily ever after .

- Alicia Cisneros :D

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I Have Done It

I have done it...
I have finally succeeded...
I have been able to flush all drugs of your kisses down the toilette...
I have been able to purge all your smells from my memory...
I have been able to amputate your smile from my memory...
I severed the cinnamon brown of your eyes from my senses...

No longer will I think about you 24/7...
With one soulful sneeze I was able to decapitate your sweet face from all that used to be...
I have been able to shed all your soft touches and caresses from my skin...
I have carved your name out of my heart...

Now all that is left...
All that is left from that whole person....
Is a broken...
Ripped apart soul...
But it's happy...
Happy to be free of YOU...

Marcos Cisneros

Thursday, February 4, 2010

True Loves First Kiss

We were merely children...
Children of only 17...
Still had the innocence...
The sweet innocence of hope...

We walked home...
Home from school...
Hand in hand...
There was only her and I...

We talked a plenty...
We talked of school...
Talked of parents...
Laughing and giggling...
as school yard kids do...

The 2 mile walk seemed quick...
as if it was only 2 steps long...
When we came upon...
our parting point...
We both new we must part...
We both didn't wanna go...

With a deep sigh she looked at me...
For just a single moment...
An eternal moment...
We stared at each other in silence...
With our smiles creasing our lips...
Never letting go of the hand...
The hand we were holding...
The hand that was comfortably uncomfortable...

We slowly closed the distance between our bodies...
We slowly merged to one...
To one single breath...
to one single heartbeat...

I took her in my arms...
Held her in my embrace...
whispered in her ear...
"I will miss you babe"

She did nothing but smile...
the sweet innocent smile of youth...
her eyes were wide and playful...
her smile sweet and bashful...

I brought my hands up...
and cupped her slender neck...
I pulled her slightly towards me...
she longingly succame...

For an instant our lips only touched...
as if playing a game of tag...
we were frozen in the moment...
Nothing could we see...
I began to kiss her lips...
as if kissing a most treasured fruit...

Her lips were supple...
yet soft and sweet...
words would only fail...
to describe the sensations that passed...

She then kissed me back...
oh what tremors I felt...
It sent explosions of color all around us...
and my head to swim in space...
there were shivers up and down my spine...
and my breath I felt lacking...

Our hearts were beating...
to the rhythm of the bumblebee...
It seemed that in that second...
our bodies soared on high...

She had the breath of air...
That my lungs longingly needed...
Her lips had the antidote...
to the poison in my heart...

My pores opened up to her...
every sense in me opened to her...
as if wanting to be the sponge of her...
to absorbed all that was her...
from her smell to her breath...
from her beauty to her soul...

Microcosms of sensations...
made my body quake...
in an instant I had died...
only to be brought back to life...
by her soft sensual kisses...
and her sweet tender caress...

When all was done and over...
I drifted on my way home...
thinking about that simple kiss...
that shook me to my soul...
I couldn't stop smiling...
that is when I knew...
When I knew I had truly felt...
True loves first kiss...

-Marcos Cisneros

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I Am

I am...

I am a roller coaster of emotions right now...
I don't know why...
I am feeling a plarethra of feelings
And I fail to comprehend...

I can blame it on the weather... 
But it's the season I love...
I can blame it on my past...
But there are really no bad things there...
I can blame it on my parents...
But I do care for them so...

So what is tugging at my heart???
What is pulling my mind in a thousand dirrections??? 

As soon as I think I have something...
A thought process I can follow...
An emotion which is real...
A feeling that seems substantial... 
It drifts away...
It leaves me...

I try and think of beauty...
I try and truly see...
But it all is so fleeting... 

A word keeps appearing...
But it's an undecernable one...
As if staring at a fuzzy immage...

What is it???
A name???
An explination???
A meaningless word???

And just like that...
It dissapears...
Only to let me wander in the maze that is my brain...

Is it love??? 
Is it hurt???
Is it anger???
Is it passion???
Is it lies???
Is it truth???

As I continue to find my way...
To follow the nothingness...
To listen to emptiness...
To view the silence...
I leave you with this single question...
What is beauty???

-Marcos Cisneros

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I Enticed You

I enticed you...
I enticed you with a devilish kiss...
The sweet enticing kiss of forbidden lovers...
I embraced you...
I embraced you with sweet words...
With sultry promises...
Little by little you melted into me...
Until you were part of me...
Melting into my arms...
Then it was you who sought my kisses...
It was u who embraced me...
You slowly became numb to everything around you...
Until there was only me...
I was your whole...
I was all you saw...
I was all you wanted...
I was all u craved...
Now you are only one of my puppets...
One of my minions...
Now there is nothing of you left...
In your world there is nothing more but I...
And I...
And I...
And I am sin...

Marcos Cisneros